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Klarna T&C

Merchant Portal Agreement

These terms apply between Klarna Bank AB (publ) and you as a merchant (the “Merchant”) for the use of the Merchant Portal (as defined below). By accepting these terms, you warrant that you are authorized to enter into this agreement on behalf of the Merchant. Please note that by acting on behalf of the Merchant (e.g. as an employee or a subcontractor of the Merchant) parts of the Agreement apply to you as an individual accessing the Merchant Portal.

These obligations include:


  • abiding by the principle of data secrecy. This means that customer data is confidential and shall not be disclosed except where legally permitted. It also means that your login credentials shall be kept confidential.
  • verifying the customer’s identity before making any changes within the Merchant Portal. In particular, you must, in addition to requesting and verifying the customer’s full name, ask two control questions, e.g. the purchase date, the customer’s date of birth, the exact amount of the order.

    1. Background

    Klarna's merchant portal is a platform that includes a number of standard features as well as additional services which the Merchant can sign up for (the "Merchant Portal"). The Merchant Portal is provided by Klarna Bank AB (publ), with its registered place of business at Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden, (“Klarna”).

    This agreement (“Agreement”) sets out the terms and conditions governing the use of the Merchant Portal. The Merchant and Klarna has previously entered into a merchant agreement regarding the Merchant’s use of the Klarna services (the “Main Contract”). To the extent relevant, the terms in the Main Contract applies to this Agreement as well.

    2. Merchant Portal Functionality and Purpose

    Frequently, the Merchant will be the first point of contact for the customer. In order to provide a smooother customer experience, the Merchant shall be able to administer certain order-related aspects directly, as permitted below and for the purpose of managing customer enquiries relating to their order and the payment thereof. Further, the Merchant Portal offers Merchants the opportunity to sign up for other Klarna services.

    Features include, but is not limited to, being able to:


  • view the customer’s name, phone number, email address, billing address and shipping address;
  • view the customer’s payment method and any refunds that might have occurred;
  • view reference numbers for the transaction; and
  • resend the order statement.

    3. Using the Merchant Portal


    The Merchant can access the Merchant Portal by using the credentials provided by Klarna. The credentials provided by Klarna are for the Merchant’s appointed individuals use only and may not be provided to any third party, including separate legal entities within the Merchant’s own legal group, except as permitted herein. The Merchant is obliged to keep the credentials confidential. Any breach against this clause will be seen as misuse.

    Access to the Merchant Portal as well as all actions performed will be logged by Klarna for security reasons and for customer relationship purposes.

    In case of a breach of this Agreement, Klarna reserves the right to, in addition to the remedies stated in the Main Contract, restrict or revoke access to the Merchant Portal.


    The Merchant is obligated to verify the customer’s identity before making any changes within the Merchant Portal. In particular, the Merchant must, in addition to requesting and verifying the customer’s full name, ask two control questions, e.g. the purchase date, the customer’s date of birth, the exact amount of the order.

    If the Merchant uploads, changes or shares content with Klarna via the Merchant Portal, the Merchant grants Klarna a royalty-free, exclusive, irrevocable and worldwide right to use and display the content for the purpose of delivering services and fulfilling its obligations under the Main Contract. Klarna reserves the right to remove any content uploaded or shared by the Merchant if required to do so according to applicable legislation, or if Klarna considers, in its sole discretion, any such content to be offensive, inappropriate, unlawful, violating the rights of others, or otherwise objectionable. The Merchant is fully liable for any content uploaded or shared within the Merchant Portal.


    The Merchant is prohibited from using or trying to use the Merchant Portal in a way that is outside the scope and intentions of this Agreement and the Main Contract. In particular, the Merchant may not export any personal data from the Merchant Portal nor use the data accessible via the Merchant Portal for any other purpose than to administer the customer relationship as foreseen by this Agreement and the Main Contract.

    4 Miscellaneous

    Klarna is entitled to solely change any conditions of this Agreement, provided that Klarna notifies the Merchant of the changes.

    The Merchant Portal is provided “As Is” and Klarna makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express, implied or statutory, with respect to your use of the Merchant Portal. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Klarna disclaims any and all statutory warranties, including without limitation, any implied warranties of title, merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Klarna does not guarantee the continuous, uninterrupted, error-free or secure use of any part of the Merchant Portal. Use of the Merchant Portal may be interrupted due to events outside Klarna’s reasonable control. Klarna does not approve or control any third party website or application and is not responsible or in any way liable for their content. If you use such websites or applications from third parties, the terms and conditions for those websites or applications will apply to you.

    Klarna retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to anything developed by Klarna and provided to or accessed by the Merchant under this Agreement.

    Notwithstanding any limitation of liability stated in the Main Contract, the Merchant shall fully indemnify and hold Klarna harmless from and against any loss, damage, claim and costs etc. arising from or relating to any breach of the Merchant’s obligations pursuant to this Agreement.

    Should a provision of this Agreement become invalid or unenforceable, this will not affect the other provisions and the validity of this Agreement. Instead of the invalid or unenforceable provision, the Parties shall decide on a wording that comes as close as possible to the commercial meaning and purpose of such provision.

    This Agreement enters into force on the date it is accepted by the Merchant and shall apply until further notice.

    This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Sweden. Any disputes shall be governed according to the Main Contract.